Heeju Noh

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2013 M.S. Chemical and Bioengineering, ETH Zurich

2011 B.S. Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea


2013 Master Thesis, Prof. M. Morbidelli, ETH Zurich, "Investigation of pH-induced Metabolic Switch by Flux Balance and Gene Expression Analysis"

2012 Bioanalysis Assistant, Prof. M. Morbidelli, ETH Zurich

2012 Research Project, Weingarth D., Kötz R., "Investigation of stability limits for electrochemical double layer capacitors (supercapacitors)"


  • H. Noh, Z. Hua and R. Gunawan. Inferring molecular targets and mechanism of action from time course expression data, presented at 9th RECOMB/ISCB Conference on Regulatory and Systems Genomics, Phoenix, AZ, 7 Novmber 2016. (talk)
  • H. Noh, Z. Hua and R. Gunawan. Inferring causal gene targets from time course expression data, presented at 6th IFAC Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering, Magdeburg, Germany, 12 October 2016. (talk)
  • H. Noh and R. Gunawan, Inferring causal gene targets from time course expression data. In SIB Days, Biel, Switzerland, 7-8 June 2016. (poster)
  • H. Noh and R. Gunawan, Inference targets of compounds from gene transcriptional profiles. In Systems Toxicology, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 27-29 January 2016. (poster and flash talk)
  • H. Noh and R. Gunawan, Inference of Causal Gene Targets from Expression Data using DeltaNet, In the Drug Discovery Network Zurich Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland, 10 September, 2015. (poster)
  • H. Noh, J. Shoemaker, and R. Gunawan, Inference of Causal Gene Targets from Expression Data using DeltaNet, In the Foundations Of Systems Biology In Engineering Conference, Boston, MA, 9-12 August, 2015. (poster)
  • H. Noh and R. Gunawan, Inference of Causal Gene Targets from Expression Data, In the 3rd Ascona Workshop on Statistical Learning of Biological Systems from Perturbations, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, 31 May-5 June 2015. (poster)


  • Noh, H. and Gunawan, R. Inferring causal gene targets from time course expression data. IFAC-PapersOnLine 49(26): 350-356. external page abstract
  • Noh, H., and Gunawan, R. Inferring gene targets of drugs and chemical compounds from gene expression profiles. Bioinformatics. 2016. external page abstract
  • Ivarsson, M., Noh, H., Morbidelli, M. and Soos, M. Insights into pH-induced metabolic switch by flux balance analysis. Biotechnol. Prog. 31, 347–357 (2015). external page abstract
  • Weingarth, D., Noh, H., Foelske-Schmitz, A., Wokaun, A. and Kötz, R. A reliable determination method of stability limits for electrochemical double layer capacitors, Electrochimica Acta 103, 119-124 (2013). external page abstract
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